Ananda Publishers Book Catalogue Pdf

  1. Ananda Publishers Book Catalogue Pdf Downloads
  2. Ananda Publishers Book Catalogue Pdf 2019

Ananda and Crystal Clarity Publishers are pleased to announce the second in our series of online books. The first was Paramhansa Yogananda’s spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi.

Swami Kriyananda and
Paramhansa Yogananda
Ananda was founded by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Yogananda. Kriyananda was inspired by his guru to start “World Brotherhood Colonies.” Ananda, and its sister colonies throughout the world, are the fulfillment of Yogananda’s dream. See Chapter 48, in this 1946 edition, to read Yogananda’s own words on World Brotherhood Colonies.

Kriyananda’s autobiography is perhaps the most complete biography of Yogananda. The author shares numerous stories and insights about his Guru.

The New Path is also a fascinating story of one man’s search for Truth. Kriyananda recounts how as a young man he examined and discarded as false many of the promises offered by modern society. Gradually he realized that lasting human happiness comes not from outer success, but from deepening spiritual awareness.

Eventually his searching brought him to the door of one of the spiritual giants of this century, Paramhansa Yogananda. What ensues is Kriyananda’s spiritual training under Yogananda. Yogananda showed him a clear path to the attainment of spiritual ideals through the practice of the science of deep yoga meditation.

Ananda Publishers Book Catalogue Pdf

The 2 books are an account of Ma’s last 30 years, including dates, people around her, significant happenings and functions, as well as sayings – much also included in Ananda Varta. Volume 1 (8.3 mb). Music. Lyrics. Easy chords All 190 pieces of vocal music Look Inside Printed Book: 284 pages, full color laminate cover, spiral bound. Digital Downloads: The entire book with extensive hyperlinks.Choose from: Express Download (PDF) 95% of users will need only this file, which easily imports into all PDF and sheet music applications.

The yoga philosophy and way of life are explained vividly through insightful stories and experiences of living with a self-realized master.

The print version of The New Path is available from Crystal Clarity Publishers.

The New Path includes over 100 photos, which are available in the printed version of the book.

We hope you enjoy the free offering of this spiritual adventure. If you like The New Path, you might also enjoy the online Autobiography of a Yogi.


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